
Shimano Gravel Adventure 2024

What a brutal route. This is supposed to be a gravel adventure ride but it turned out to be a climbing suffer fest.

It started with a gradual climb followed by a long descent until we reached the bridge. When we reached the bridge I thought it’s the turnaround point to those who don’t want to go further down the route. Turns out we had to climb further for the next 10 or so kilometers. That climb was brutal on its own.

We had to walk up that steady climb and eventually we reached the gravel part of the route where the turnaround point is found. There were lots of food and water there for us and we were able to recover with that plus some cup noodles.

We went all the way down back to the start until we reached that bridge where all the suffering would start. That Tinongdan climb was brutal - 20+% gradient nonstop for for plus some switchbacks. It was walkathon. We go from one shade to another. It was already noon and we were out there suffering.

Eventually we reached the Barangay hall of Tinongdan in Itogon where we had our meals. Joel ordered pancit canton for us to feast on. At that time I was ready to give up but Joel and Kuya Edwin encouraged me to finish the route and just take it slowly. True enough the pancit canton helped me and I was able to fight through the steady yet mild climbs up to Itogon sign.

From there I felt some symptoms of cramps starting to creep up on me. I don’t want to make the same mistake that I made back when we did a gravel ride in Lobo Batangas. I drank more water and fought my way. I walked some of the climbs because I don’t want my cramps to worsen. That’s when I thought I need salt. I asked for salt from one of the stores which they gave for free and I mixed it with my water in a bottle. I slowly climbed the last one to Baguio City and boy was I glad to finally see the end of the climb and start of the final descent to the finish line.

I am happy to see Janine waiting for me down at the finish line. The organizers stopped caring and they are already celebrating on their own achievements while the last finishers are celebrating on their own. That is the cruelty of any ride event - if you finish last you don’t get any cheers - just get your finisher medal and go home.

I plan to join the Gravelton this coming October 20 at Clark, Pampanga. I have 13 weeks to prepare myself for this one. I haven’t told anyone yet but I will do my best. I just need to stay consistent.

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