A colophon is a designer word for “how this site was made”.
While I was blessed with logic to figure out problems and provide solutions - I am completely devoid of any creativity in my body. This is the reason why I built this site on Starlight, a full-featured documentation theme built on top of Astro framework. I can appreciate a good site like that from Maggie Appleton, but I can never have the creative mind to figure out how to build one like that. I can skip that creative part and just snatch the code, but I was told there’s no fun in that.
This page was deployed through GitHub, and you are free to browse it. I would discourage you from copying it completely because aside from the fact that it’s not fun copying someone else’s work, I was also told that my work isn’t completely something worth copying. So if you copied this at all, the joke is on you.
I used to run my blog in WordPress back when blogging was still cool (i.e. circa 2003), but I stopped doing that after realizing that WordPress is already too mainstream and user-friendly. I don’t like that. Astro is also fun and easy but not everyone uses it, so I chose to use that. That’s a joke btw. Seriously though I stopped paying hosting solutions money for hosting my site and GitHub was free so, there.